
Riverdale Grain Farms Biological

At Riverdale Grain Farms (RGF) we believe that in order to increase the nutritional density of our crops we must first focus on our soil.

Compost Tea is a process that is done every fall on every acre.  It encompasses the extraction of beneficial bacteria and fungi through a hydro cyclone that are native to our prairie soil.  The end product is applied in a water based solution, sprayed on the fall straw/stubble and then incorporated into the soil.

Some of the benefits of increased numbers of bacteria and fungi is the creation of a more aerobic soil which allows for more water absorption and an increase in macro and micro nutrient release.

Biological farming improves the environment, reduces erosion, reduces disease and insect problems, and alters weed pressure.  It accomplishes this by working in harmony with nature.

RGF also eliminates some conventional farming practices that hinder the natural biological process and nutrient density of the crops.  The application of glyphosate and excessive use of fungicides are just some of the conventional practices that reduce biological activity and nutrient uptake in plants. Find out more about the effects of glyphosate in Dr. Don Huber’s article, Dr.Huber’s Article: Glyphosate Interactions (PDF).

The soil is very similar to the ruminant digestive system, it is a living organism that is a host to a very dynamic environment.  In order to produce healthy crops that can feed the nutritional needs of today’s society, we need to be careful of what we put in, and on our soils.  Every application of fertilizer and chemical on the soil has an effect on it’s microorganisms.  Charles Northern, M.D., in the 1930’s gave the warning that a deficient nutrient levels in the soil would lead to the diseases of mankind.

The applications of various micro-nutrient packages to help off-set any deficiencies in our soil ultimately help to push our crops nutrient density upwards.  This creates a superior plant, less pron to disease and insects.